My Journey
A developer should always be learning and constantly growing.
Being a versatile problem solver.
Full-Stack Web Development Certificate,
UC Berkeley ExtensionLearning the most current and major web development technologies including but not limited to: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Express.js, React.js, Node.js, Firebase, MongoDB, MySQL, Command Line, Git, basic algorithms, and more.
Checkout my projects @ UCBX
I took a career break to fully recharge myself and advance my web development skills. During the time, I embraced all sorts of online tutorials, followed well-known software developers in the industry and attended tech events, read many books to help me becoming a better developer and improve myself for the best I can be.
Supporting customers and business communications.
Email & Web Developer for multiple companies
Clients: Intuit, Epsilon @Google, Feed Communications @eBay, AppDynamics @Cisco, Caviar @Square,, Palo Alto Networks, Motif Investing, MoneyLion, Life360, ZOZI, etc.
I've gained a lot of experiences by utilizing many cutting edge technologies at the tech giants, worked on many intense short-term and special projects at the startups, experienced being the first developer in a team, came up with my best coding formula and tempating methodologies for marketing operational needs. I've built more than 1000 email templates in lifetime and touched more than 10 CMS/ESP: Adobe Campaign, AEM, Marketo, Responsys, Selligent, WordPress, SquareSpace, HubSpot, SilverPop, MailChimp, etc.
Getting into processes and systems.
Digital Producer
At Athleta/Gap, Inc. I learned about the entire digital production process end-to-end from the business perspective.
Web Production Specialist
At Dun & Bradstreet, I learned about enterprise level CMS like Adobe CQ, management of digital assets and QA.
Web Production Artist
At LeapFrog, I learned more about e-commerce systems and how design and development are tight together in the production workflow.
Being technical and creative.
Bachelor of Science in
Visual Communication DesignAt San Francisco State University, my studies focused on digital media and interaction in design.
Webmaster & Web Coordniator
Clients: Esperto and People-On-The-Go. I learned many things on the admin side of the web businesses.
At City College Of San Francisco, I took many hands-on classes for my career foundation: Multimedia, Photoshop, Illustrator, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
Web Design & Development Apprentice
I learned basic HTML & CSS from a senior Web Designer and helped maintaining the code for her 6 major clients.